Building Permits
The City of Hartsville uses CC&I Services for building permits and inspections. Building permit applications are only accepted online. Contractors must have a valid city business license. Permits are required for construction, renovation, or repairs over $500. Fees vary based on project value and work type.
If you have any questions, please contact permitting at 843.383.3025.
To apply for a building permit, visit CC&I Services.
Sign/Awning Permits
Sign and awning permit applications are accepted at City Hall, 100 E Carolina Ave, by the Navigator Department or online at the below link. Construction of new signs and modification of existing signs requires a permit. All sign construction and modification must be approved prior to start. The permit fee is $25. See application for additional requirements.
Mural Permits
Mural Permits are accepted at City Hall, 100 E Carolina Avenue, by the Navigator Department or online at the below link. The City of Hartsville would like to promote its history and culture through the display of public art using murals. Murals encourage local artists to create sanctioned public art, increase the public's access to art, and beautify the community. The permit fee is $25. See application for additional requirements.
Special Event Permits
For businesses and organizations looking to stage a special event at a City of Hartsville park, require a road closure, or who need City services for a special event, a special event permit application is needed.
Special Use Permit
Special use permits are granted for temporary uses for up to four-month periods (example: fireworks and Christmas tree stands). An application is made for use in a commercial or residential district which is to exceed one month but not to exceed four months. Staff then reviews the application for compliance with zoning and usage rules before recommending such restrictions and safeguards as needed. The permit fee is $75. See application for additional requirements.
Sidewalk Dining Permit
Sidewalk dining permit applications for establishments in the downtown (B-1) district are accepted at City Hall, 100 E Carolina Ave, or online at the below link. As of December 2017, sidewalk dining permits are free for downtown businesses. See the Sidewalk Dining Application for additional information.
Zoning Permit
Zoning permit applications are accepted at City Hall, 100 E Carolina Ave, by the Navigator Department or online via the below link. Receiving a Zoning Permit is generally the first step in the development process, followed by applying for and receiving a Building Permit. Zoning Code is oriented toward how a project fits into a community: it regulates setbacks, types of uses, height, parking requirements, design (for some types of projects) and similar concerns. The City is divided into zoning districts and each zoning district will have its own set of regulations. For example, the regulations that would apply in a single family residential district (R-1) will differ from those that apply to the downtown (B-1) district.
A zoning and a building permit are required in advance of the initiation of construction, erection, moving, or alteration of any building or structure. All applications for such permits shall be accompanied by a plat of the property and a plan in duplicate, drawn to scale, showing actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon; the size of the building to be erected; the location of the building on the lot; the number of dwelling units the building is designed to accommodate; the setback lines of the buildings on adjoining lots; and such other information as may be required by the officials in determining whether the provisions of this ordinance are being observed.
The permit fee is $25. See application and the below fact sheet link for additional information and requirements.
- Zoning Permit Application
- Fact Sheet (coming soon)
Food Trucks
The City Council for the City of Hartsville enacted a Food Truck ordinance in August of 2017 in response to public request for more and varied food options in town. The City's ordinance allows for permitted food trucks to operate in the City of Hartsville on public or private property, with permission in either case, in various zones around town.
Visit our Food Truck page more about operating a food truck in Hartsville, view permit requirements, and download our permit application.
Taxi Driver Permit
Taxi driver permit applications are accepted at City Hall, 100 E. Carolina Ave., by the Navigator Department. The permit fee is $5. Taxi drivers must be affiliated with a company registered and licensed per City ordinance. Learn more about Taxi cab services and permits.